Monday, January 7, 2013

Constanine Played A Large Part of Our Church History

Write a sentence or two about the church before Constantine and what it was like or during his reign.  You can write your own findings or extend a classmates.


  1. Constantine actually did not become an official Christian until the end of his life.

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  3. He became an emperor by winning a great battle, and attributed this victory to his soldiers' display of the cross on their sheilds and banners.

  4. Before Constantine many thousands of Christians were persecuted for their faith, most Christian worship was done in hiding or underground. During his reign Constantine allowed Christians to profess their faith and returned property taken from them.

  5. Emperor Constanstine ruled the Roman Empire, and deaclared every Sunday a government holiday.

  6. He built a great basilica over the tomb of Saint Peter and gave many government buildings to the Christians to be used as places of worship.

  7. Before Constantine was Emperor in Rome, the Christians were persecuted for worshiping Christ. When Constantine was Emperor he eventually made Christianity the religion of Rome.

  8. Constatine did not offically become a christian until the of his life, the emperor constantine favored christanity from early in his regin. And he became emperor by winning the battle of the mivian bridge.
